Motivational Workshop - Board Meeting Booster@BOD

The Motivational Workshop Booster@ BOD Offsite Meeting is an engaging and dynamic session designed to ignite inspiration, foster collaboration, and empower your board members to reach new heights of performance. Dr. PS Rathore, a distinguished motivational speaker who has conducted workshops across  the Globe  for MNC and various public sector organizations. He  has been honored at the House of Commons in the British Parliament, London. He will lead this highly energetic and impactful workshop.

We understand that every organization is unique, with specific goals and challenges. That’s why our workshop content can be customized to align with your organization’s needs, ensuring relevance and maximum impact.



Ignite Inspiration for Organizational Growth:

Through captivating stories, real-life examples, and interactive exercises, Dr. Rathore will spark inspiration and motivation among board members, encouraging them to embrace new challenges and envision exciting possibilities for our company’s growth.


Engaging Activities for Clear Strategy Formulation:

Interactive exercises and team-building activities will promote strong connections, open communication, and a supportive board culture. These activities will create an environment conducive to idea generation, problem-solving, and formulating effective strategies to achieve our targets.


Goal Setting and Action Planning:

Dr. Rathore will provide valuable strategies and techniques to help board members in setting effective goals and developing actionable plans aligned with our organization’s vision and mission. This positive mindset will play a crucial role in crafting a strong marketing strategy.


Resilience, Change Management, and Stakeholders’ Grievances:

The workshop will equip our board members with the tools and mindset to embrace change, build resilience, and navigate challenges with confidence. Practical strategies will be shared to manage stress, overcome obstacles, and effectively address stakeholders’ grievances.


Board Family Connect:

Involving family members of the Board of Directors at the offsite workshop will foster stronger relationships, enhance communication, and create a supportive network within the board. The engagement of family members will enhance collaboration, communication, and overall success within the board and beyond.


Sustained Motivation:

The impact of the workshop will extend beyond the session’s conclusion. We will provide post-workshop resources and support to help board members sustain their motivation, implement their action plans, and continue their growth journey.

Why choose our Workshop?

  • Dr. PS Rathore, an  expert motivational speaker, has a proven track record of inspiring and transforming individuals and organizations. With his vast experience in strategic management and understanding of organizational challenges, he is highly respected  across industries.
  • Our workshop provides an edutainment and unique experience for both board members and their families, ensuring an engaging and motivational program.
  • The workshop is tailored to our organization’s specific goals, challenges, and culture.
  • It offers an interactive, engaging, and entertaining experience, creating a participatory and energizing atmosphere.
  • Our aim is to create a lasting impact, equipping our board members with valuable tools and strategies that can be applied in their professional and personal lives


Increased Engagement: It can help to boost engagement among board members, keeping them actively involved and interested in the discussions and decisions being made.

Enhanced Productivity: By instilling motivation and inspiration, a workshop can improve board members’ focus and drive, leading to increased productivity during meetings. It encourages a proactive approach to problem-solving and decision-making.



Strengthened Team Dynamics: Workshops focused on motivation and teamwork can foster stronger bonds among board members. By promoting collaboration, trust, and open communication, it enhances the overall effectiveness and cohesiveness of the board as a team.

Enhanced Leadership Skills: Motivational workshops often include leadership development components that can enhance the skills and capabilities of board members. This can empower them to take on leadership roles within the organization and effectively guide and inspire others.

Improved Decision-Making: Motivational workshops can provide board members with new perspectives, innovative ideas, and tools for effective decision-making. They can help members think critically, explore different options, and make well-informed choices for the organization’s success.

Heightened Morale and Motivation: A motivational workshop can uplift board members’ morale and motivation, creating a positive and energized atmosphere during board meetings. This positivity can have a ripple effect throughout the organization, inspiring others and contributing to a thriving work culture.

Personal Growth and Development: Motivational workshops provide opportunities for board members to engage in self-reflection, identify areas for personal growth, and acquire new skills. This continuous learning and development can contribute to their effectiveness as board members and as individuals.

Increased Creativity and Innovation: Motivational workshops can stimulate creative thinking and encourage board members to explore innovative solutions and strategies. This can lead to the generation of fresh ideas and approaches to address challenges and drive the organization forward.

Renewed Focus on Goals and Vision: Workshops can help realign board members with the organization’s goals and vision, reminding them of the purpose and impact of their work. It can reignite their passion and commitment to achieving shared objectives.

Long-Term Organizational Impact: Ultimately, a motivational workshop for board meetings can have a long-lasting impact on the organization. It can inspire positive change, drive strategic decisions, and cultivate a culture of motivation, resulting in sustainable growth and success.

Program Objectives

Tick - Free interface icons Enhanced Board Performance: A motivational workshop for board meetings can significantly enhance the performance of board members by providing them with the necessary motivation, inspiration, and skills to excel in their roles.

Tick - Free interface icons Increased Engagement and Collaboration: The workshop promotes active engagement and collaboration among board members, fostering a positive and productive boardroom culture that leads to better decision-making and outcomes.

Tick - Free interface icons  Improved Leadership Skills: Board members will gain valuable insights and practical tools to improve their leadership skills, including effective communication, strategic thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, which are vital for successful board performance.

Tick - Free interface icons  Heightened Board Effectiveness: By attending the workshop, board members can enhance their effectiveness in governance, board oversight, risk management, and accountability, resulting in improved board performance and organizational success.

Tick - Free interface icons  Inspirational and Motivational Environment: The workshop creates an inspirational and motivational environment that energizes and rejuvenates board members, reigniting their passion and commitment towards their roles and responsibilities.

Tick - Free interface icons  Continuous Professional Development: Participating in a motivational workshop for board meetings demonstrates a commitment to continuous professional development, allowing board members to stay updated with the latest trends, best practices, and insights in board governance.

Tick - Free interface icons  Networking and Peer Learning: The workshop provides opportunities for networking and peer learning, enabling board members to connect with other professionals in similar roles, share experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s successes and challenges.

Tick - Free interface icons  Positive Impact on Organizational Culture: The positive and motivational atmosphere created by the workshop can have a ripple effect on the overall organizational culture, inspiring and influencing other employees and stakeholders towards higher levels of performance and engagement.

Tick - Free interface icons Return on Investment: Investing in a motivational workshop for board meetings can yield significant returns by enhancing board performance, decision-making, and overall organizational success.

Tick - Free interface icons  Long-lasting Impact: The knowledge, skills, and inspiration gained from the workshop can have a long-lasting impact on board members’ personal and professional growth, benefitting not only the current board meetings but also future leadership roles they undertake.

Embrace the power of a dynamic session that ignites inspiration, fosters collaboration, and empowers your board members to reach new heights of performance

– Dr. PS Rathore

Book Dr. PS Rathore